dimarts, 24 de maig del 2011

Trip to London

I Would travel from Barcelona Airport with Ryanair company because they are very responsible. The information in this flight is the following

Base de tarifaAdulto82,99 EUR
1 Asientos en esta tarifa

Mié25 May 11
VueloFR 9803
10:35 Salida
11:45 Llegada

1st Day:
I visit Harrod's Londres-Stansted to see the shops and to buy things, take pictures, chat with friends.  London and go eat at a restaurant to stay comfortable.

2st Day:
  I went to Big Ben and Hyde Park is one of the largest parks in central London, England and one of the Royal Parks of London, famous for its Speakers' Corner.

dimarts, 17 de maig del 2011

Comparing Girona And Barcelona airport

The closest airports to Salt are Girona and Barcelona. Do you know them? Have you ever visited them o traveled from or to them?
Yes, I know them but I visited and travelled only from Barcelona airport. I never seen Girona airport.
There're many differences: the Barcelona airport is bigger than Girona airport. In the Barcelona airport there're 80 shops and restaurants in opposite in the Girona airport there're only 5 shops. At the Barcelona airport there're three terminals but at the Girona airport there're only one terminal.At the Barcelona airport we can go by bus, train, taxi or by car and at the Girona airport isn't any train station so we only can go by bus, taxi or car. The Girona airport has a Duty free multi shop, 2 food stuffs shops, a book, food and gifts shop and a Newsagents shop.


1.Information desk-Ask obut her sister flight.
2.Go to the first floor to the duty-free shop and grt more information.
3.Go in in a shop/resturant and find out that the Janitor can help.
4.We can go to passport control and talk to police.
5.Go back to the duty-free shop and find the Janitor.
6.We go back to passport control because we heart shots.
7.We take a remote control and go in the ventilation shaft.

1.Talk to the Janitor and find out i need to go medical center. So i go right.
2.Is see the medical room and go straight.
3.I arrive to where the vampires are they talk about making the humans because vampires.
4.We find where Mrs Hackett is.
5.I need a doctor disguise.
6.Go back to the shop, exchange money and buy a fishing rod and things i need to became a doctor.
7.Enter room and save my sister.